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call us today01623 641613

Problems with appliances

It’s really important to follow our advice about how to take care of your brace and to steer clear of foods that could damage your appliance. So it’s important that you read our leaflets that explain how to look after your teeth.

It’s rare to have a real emergency while undergoing orthodontic treatment, but if a bracket breaks or a wire comes loose in between your scheduled appointments, you may need to be seen between normal appointments.

Our orthodontists ensure they have a small amount of time free in their appointment schedule so, if necessary, you can be seen quickly. If something does go wrong with your brace, please first ring the practice and describe your problem to a member of our reception team. They will talk to your orthodontist and let you know if and when you need to be seen. For the best chance of gaining a same-day appointment we advise that you please ring as early as possible in the day*.

For out-of-hours emergencies, the NHS manages an emergency service, which you can access by calling NHS 111. They can give you advice and details of urgent care services near you that provide emergency dental treatment.

*Please note that on Fridays telephone advice only is available after 12.30.