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Silver braces

Fixed Silver Braces

This way to straighten teeth offers both precision and predictability. The fixed silver brackets are used in conjunction with wires and elastics that gently, yet accurately, move teeth to a better position

How they can help

This type of brace can address a range of problems including:

  • Gaps in your teeth
  • Twisted or overcrowded teeth
  • Badly aligned upper and lower teeth
  • Overbites and reverse bites
  • Teeth that stick out

The process

  • Brackets are fixed securely to the teeth using a strong dental adhesive. A wire is attached and shaped to encourage your teeth to move.
  • Treatment usually takes around 18 months on average and during this time, you will need to visit us so we can make adjustments to keep your teeth moving in the right direction. Of course, some simpler cases take less time than this and more complex cases will probably take longer.
  • Following treatment, you will also need to wear a retainer to make sure your teeth stay beautifully lined up.